About KoziBirding
More than 15 years ago I was on a trip to Costa Rica and was relaxing after a great day of birding in the lodge. A group from a major birding tour company came in and had a rushed dinner. I struck up a conversation with one of the participants and found they were about two-thirds of the way through their trip. They had traveled many long days and didn't have many more birds on their list than I had. They looked and sounded exhausted. I rose at 5:30 to bird the dawn and their bus was gone, More hard time on the road.
I thought there had to be a better way. this was supposed to be fun and it was looking like work for them. "Relaxed Birding in Beautiful Places" came to me in that moment and the idea of KoziBirding was born. You can see most of the birds by spending more time at a beautiful place, you don't have to move everyday. You can relax and have a great birding experience.
David Sarkozi
Relaxed Birding in Beautiful Places

I began birding as a teen in Central Texas. College distracted me from birding for a while but after college with more time I again became and obssession.
Join the Houston Outdoor Nature Club - Ornithology Group eventually becoming chairman of the group and leading numerous fieldtrips for them.
I served one term as the President of the Texas Ornithological Society and served on the board of the society for 16 years.
I have been organizing and leading trips across Texas and in Central American for more than 15 years now. I have a special interest in Belize and have made close to 30 trips to Belize now.
In 2015 I compeleted a Texas big year where I recorded 500 species in Texas.
I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learned with you and finding you some great birds!