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Texas Century Club Panhandle Trip April 19-21, 2019


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Kozibirding and Texas Panhandle Birding and Nature Tours are teaming up to offer a four county Texas Century Club trip to target 100 species in Lubbock, Crosby, Floyd, and Lynn counties. This trip is designed for birders seeking to add counties to their Texas Century Club total. The price will be $200 per person plus site entry fees*. Participants will be expected to carpool to minimize the number of cars in the caravan. Expect to start each day at 6 am and bird until near sunset. Space is limited to approximately 10 participants. An extension to visit a Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lek is being offered in Monday April 22, 2019 for $75 per person. 

* most sites planned to visit do not have entry fees, but its possible we will visit a few sites that charge an entry fee if needed to reach 100 species in some counties.

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